Food List 1500?
Choose your foods from the lists below. Do not choose the same thing all the time, add variety.
Chicken breast - 100g
Cod - 100g
Haddock - 100g
Octopus - 100g
Prawns - 150g
Scallops - 100g
Squid - 100g
Tilapia - 100g
Tuna - 100g
Turkey breast - 100g
Mackerel - once a week only - 100g
Protein powder - 1 scoop/ 30g
Casein powder - 1 scoop/ 30g
Egg whites x 4-5
Vegetarian options:
Low Fat Cottage Cheese- 170g
0% Fat Greek Yoghurt- 170g
Quark- 170g
Vegan options:
Beans (If not vegan use these as carbs and have a protein here)
Lentils (If not vegan use these as carbs?- or write the other way in carb section)
White Protein
Red/Orange Protein
Choose from the choices below for one meal 3 times a week eg. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. (For red meat- aim for less than 5g fat per 100g)
Beef mince - Lean, 5% fat - 100g
Lamb- Lean 5 % fat - 100g
Pork tenderloin - lean - 100g
Salmon - 100g
Sardines - 100g
Steak - 100g
Trout - 100g
Venison - 100g
Complex Carbohydrates
Brown/wholegrain rice - 80g
Buckwheat - 80g
Bulgar - 80g
Butternut squash - 80g
Chickpeas - 80g
Couscous - 80g
Fruit - Can swap
Lentils - 80g
Oats - 40g dry weight
Plantain - 80g
Potato - 80g
Quinoa - 80g
Rice cakes x 5 plain
Rye bread - 0.5 slice
Spelt - 80g
Sweet potato - 120g
Wholemeal/brown bread (1 slice)
Whole-grain or brown rice - 80g
Wholewheat/rice pasta - 80g
Yam - 80g
Healthy Fats
Avocado - 50g
Avocado oil - 10g
Butter - 10g
Coconut (fresh unsweetened) - 15g
Canola oil - 10g
Coconut oil - 10g
Extra virgin coconut oil - 10g
Extra virgin olive oil - 10g
Olives x 50g (approx x 20 olives)
Pumpkin seeds - 40g
Natural nut butter - 15g
Nuts - almonds, peanuts - 15g
Sunflower seeds - 15g
Sesame oil - 10g
Whole Eggs x 2 - (also contains 1/3 of one protein option)
Green Vegetables
All in 100g qualities unless stated. If you are choosing a green leaf salad have a large portion with no dressing.​
Bok choy
Brussels sprouts
Green beans
Snap peas
Spinach - 80g - two cupped handfuls raw spinach/ one fist cooked
Butternut squash
If choosing green leaf salad, go large or 2 cupped handfuls.
Coloured Vegetables
Carrots - 50g
Leek- 50g
Mushrooms- 50g
Onions- 50g
Parsnip- 50g
Peppers - Green, Orange, Red, Yellow- 50g
Pickled cabbage/ Sauerkraut- 50g
Tomatoes - 1 large
Cherry tomatoes x 5
(Large) - 1 apple, 1 banana, 1 plum, 1 peach, 1 pear, 1 handful pineapple, 1 handful mango.
(small) - 2 handfuls blueberries/raspberries, 1 handful cherries, 1 handful strawberries, 3 x dates, 3 x prunes
Water - Drink 1.5-2 litres a day. Up to 2.5 if you are really active.
In moderation: -
Tea and Coffee - black is okay and you can add a dash of skimmed or unsweetened plant-based milk up to twice a day.
Zero calorie/zero sugar drinks
Fruit - Counts as one portion of carbs - You can swap one of your carb options for fruit once per day only.
(large) - One apple, banana, plum, peach, pear
(small) - 2 handfuls blueberries/raspberries, 1 handful cherries, 1 handful strawberries, 1 handful pineapple, 1 handful mango.
Fruit (other) - 3 x dates, 3 x prunes